Friday, May 7, 2021

Leftism has damaged blacks more than slavery or Jim Crow did; Asians are paying the price

 Leftism has damaged blacks more than slavery or Jim Crow did

Even as leftist policies chipped away at family stability, leftists did two other evil things: (1) They attacked faith, even though modern Judeo-Christian faith has been a tremendous force for good at the micro-level, in families, and at the macro-level, in whole societies. (2) They told blacks that, because of “systemic racism,” blacks were damned if you did and damned if you didn’t in terms of obeying the laws. So you might as well disobey the laws. No one on the left ever pointed out that all this systemic racism existed most in Democrat-run communities.

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Video Shows Man Repeatedly Punching Asian Man Pushing Stroller in Unprovoked Attack in San Francisco (VIDEO) . . . "The violent attacker, 26-year-old Sidney Hammond, was arrested by San Fran PD. (Video)

"Sidney Hammond was recently released from jail by radical Marxist San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin for robbery at the same location!

"After being violently attacked, the 36-year-old Asian father is seen quickly jumping on his feet to check on his 1-year-old child in the stroller."

SF DA Chesa Boudin drops charges against one of two suspects in viral attack on Asian man  "Dwayne Grayson was arrested last week in connection to the attack. His charges have been dropped in favor of a restorative justice approach."  

. . . "Several people can be seen standing around in the Bayview neighborhood, but none of them interfered. Some mocked the victim. No other arrests have been made in the case. "

 Many more videos here. 

'F*** you, Chinese people! I hate you!': Video shows Asian store owner punched in face, knocked to floor by customer

If store owners feel fear when someone resembling this man enter their store, are they racist? 

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