Monday, June 14, 2021

"Appalling to Watch": Australian Media Tears American Media Apart Over Its Fawning Over Biden

 RedState   "American media is so infected with leftism that it’s ideologically slanted to the point of tipping over and it’s highly possible that the media doesn’t even know it. It doesn’t have the ability to look at itself critically, and we get very real moments where the media asks Democrats what it can do to better help them along while on air.

"The media in other countries can see it, though, and Australia’s, in particular, can’t help but dedicate a segment to it.

"On a segment during Sky News’s Kenny on Media, Australian anchors and commentators took aim at the American media for its simpering and fawning over Joe Biden during the G7 summit while the same media bashed President Donald Trump in 2018 against all reason.

 . . . "But the anti-Trump narrative was born from a hardcore adherence to leftist politics, and CNN continued to cling to Democrats, more or less becoming a propaganda arm instead of a news network.

"Sadly, this kind of obedience to Democrats is seen throughout the media in varying ways with few exceptions, including OANN, Newsmax, and Fox News. The problem of bias is so obvious and loud that across the sea, people are taking notice and laughing about it." . . .

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