The most galling aspect of all this is that it implies that your typical baseball fan is part George Wallace and part Robert Byrd, who were proud Democrat racists. I'd venture to say I've been in attendance at more MLB games than Commissioner Manfred in my lifetime, and MLB's supposition that its fan base is racist and needs a Maoist re-education is outlandish.
American Thinker "Major League Baseball has gone from a Field of Dreams to a dystopic Field of Nightmares.
"Coming off the All-Star Game P.R. debacle, where they moved the game out of Atlanta, MLB is upping its radical chic several notches with its latest political advocacy.
"On the anniversary of George Floyd's death, MLB highlighted its social justice initiatives, which are a series of suggested readings, video viewings, and social justice activities that it recommends people do. Nothing like giving your customers a homework assignment. And they wonder why people find baseball less fun these days.
"As you can imagine, the suggestions they give are real humdingers. For instance, they advise we read Dr. Ibrahim X Kendi. Kendi is a totalitarian utopist who is popular on the P.C. lecture circuit. He believes that capitalism is inherently racist and advocates for a Department of Anti-Racism.
"What would the DOA do? you might ask.

"In his own words, they would "be responsible for preclearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won't yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces, and monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas. The DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas." So much for the land of the free. The DOA would also be empowered to investigate private businesses and monitor speech. Best of all, DOA officials couldn't be fired, not even by the president." . . .
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