Thursday, July 29, 2021

Kamala Harris Close to Hitting Rock Bottom as the Unraveling Continues

 Sister Toldjah  

 . . . "If the negative views of Harris hold, this could prove to be a nightmare for her long-term if Biden decides not to run for a second term and she throws her hat in the ring to be his replacement. Vice presidents who run to “succeed” their predecessors are usually considered shoo-ins for their party’s nomination, but Harris could prove to be an exception to the rule if she can’t reverse opinions of her even within her own party. A failure on her part to secure the nomination would be an embarrassment that cannot be fully described in words.

Time will tell, of course, as to how things work out for her in terms of a presidential nomination, but if her history is a reliable indicator, things will not go well, and she’ll only have herself – not her race or gender – to blame. Because what it boils down to is that Kamala Harris is just not very good at what she does.

Flashback: Reporter Details Kamala Harris’ Road Trip Press Schedule, and a More Troubling Pattern Emerges

North Carolina-based Stacey Matthews, a former liberal who also writes under the name "Sister Toldjah," has been writing about media bias, social issues, and the culture wars since 2003. Follow her on Twitter here, and on Parler here.

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