Monday, July 12, 2021

Six Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Worst President in History

 PJ Media  "By now you’ve probably heard of polls that say Americans believe that “Donald Trump is the worst president in history” or that presidential scholars have ranked Trump “dead last.” I can tell you right now to ignore the polls and the so-called experts. While it may be too early to properly gauge presidential rankings for recent presidents, I am confident that history will ultimately judge Barack Obama as the worst president our nation has ever seen.

"The mountain of evidence that condemns his presidency to the bottom of the barrel is overwhelming. In my just re-released book, The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama, I document 200 reasons why history will prove my belief correct in the years to come. Below, I present six abbreviated reasons, which, I can’t stress enough, are just the tip of the iceberg.". . Keep reading

Conrad Black: Ranking the Presidents Once More   . . ."President Trump’s status at number 41 is utterly nonsensical. His achievements in reducing illegal immigration by 95 percent, eliminating unemployment, generating higher percentage income gains in the lowest rather than in the highest income brackets, solid advances in Mid-East peace, taming North Korea, and shaping up the NATO alliance will eventually be seen as far more important than stylistic infelicities when the current tide of partisan zeal and snobbery has ebbed.". . . 

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