Monday, August 9, 2021

RINOs; the Democrats "Fifth Column"

 Fifth Column:  . . . "a group of people who act traitorously and subversively out of a secret sympathy with an enemy of their country. (originally) Franco sympathizers in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War: so called in allusion to a statement in 1936 that the insurgents had four columns marching on Madrid and a fifth column of sympathizers in the city ready to rise and betray it.

Why aren't congressional Republicans impeaching Biden now?   . . . They have done precisely nothing to defend the political prisoners, the unarmed “trespassers” of Jan. 6, who are being sorely abused while the Antifa thugs and BLM terrorists who destroyed city after city over the past summer have not been charged with any crimes.  

"The Democrats openly supported those riots no matter how much damage was done to countless small businesses, many of them minority-owned.  Kamala Harris raised money for their bail which, thanks to Soros-placed DAs, was rarely even needed. " . . . 

These shameless Republicans are greedy as well; they sell out the American people with such ease. We all know that the Democrats are only about power, never people.  This vote proves those Republicans who pretend to be “for the people” are nothing of the kind.  Here they are, treacherous RINOs all:  Roy Blunt (MO), Richard Burr (NC), Shell Moor Capito (WV), Bill Cassidy (LA), Susan Collins (ME), Kevin Cramer (ND), Mike Crapo (SC), Lindsey Graham (SC), John Hoeven (ND), Mitch McConnell (KY), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Rob Portman (OH), Jim Risch (ID), Mitt Romney (UT),  Tom Tillis (NC), Todd Young (IN).  May they all be voted out of office at the earliest possible moment.
. . . "The Republican Party must stop putting such weak people with no strength of character up for office.  Will they ever?" . . . 

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