Thursday, September 9, 2021

Joe Biden, from comedy to tragedy

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Lying Joe Biden, from comedy to tragedy - Washington Times   "How could a comic figure from the world of politics such as President Joe Biden suddenly become such a tragic figure on the American scene? One minute he is bringing all civilized observers to laughter by saying to Katie Couric that President Franklin Roosevelt dealt with the 1929 stock market crash by getting “on television” and reassuring his fellow Americans as only FDR could do. (For the woke folks in my audience Franklin Roosevelt was not the president of the United States in 1929, and the television had yet to be popularized. Go ahead, look it up.) So, one minute Joe cracks us up with his nonsensical statement about President Roosevelt. In the next minute, he is betraying an entire country, Afghanistan, and leaving its people tyrannized by ragamuffins. What is more, he has lied to his fellow Americans repeatedly, obdurately, blatantly.

"Joe has been living on a multiplicity of lies for years. His fortune has been composed by lies—how can a fifty-year creature living at the public trough become a millionaire? He has lied as a politician from his first day in politics. He has even been caught plagiarizing from John Kennedy, from Bob Kennedy, and, of course, from Neil Kinnock, who was at the time leading the British Labour Party. Joe’s son, Hunter, has also been an active liar for years, a fraudster, a cheat, and now most flagrantly, he hopes to get by with his deceits because he has said the Big Guy is watching out for him. The Big Guy is, of course, Papa Joe. Well, we shall see. But Joe, you can lie to the American people, and you can lie to the media. You can even lie to your priest, but you cannot lie to the ragamuffins who just beat you and walked away with enough military equipment to arm a small army. Moreover, you cannot lie to the clock. The clock says you have three and a half years remaining in office. That is three and a half more years to screw things up even bigger than you have screwed things up in the past six months.". . .  


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