Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Pelosi Forced to Flee Rome Church as Protesters Mob 'Demonic' Speaker

She and the Pope compared homes. TD

 Neon Nettle

Italian Christians infuriated by pro-abortion Nancy Pelosi's visit 

"Nancy Pelosi was forced to flee a church in Rome during her Italy visit over the weekend as protesters gathered outside and heckled the "demonic" Democrat House speaker, according to reports.

"Pelosi was scheduled to give a reading during a Catholic mass in Rome on Saturday but was forced to leave early after being mobbed by furious Italians.

"Angry Christian protesters had gathered outside St Patrick’s Catholic American Parish, in Rome, during Pelosi's visit, which officials claimed had created a "security incident.". . . 

‘She’s A Nut Job’: Trump Says Nancy Pelosi And Democrats Want To Turn America Into ‘Socialist’ And Then ‘Communist Country’  I'm sure he meant that in a nice way.

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