Monday, November 1, 2021

Biden's "Build Back Bolshevik"

Martine Fuentes  . . ."Meanwhile, Americans are being conditioned for shortages of everything from food to semiconductors, while ships, trucks and even the mail have become unreliable. This sudden distortion of markets and supply chains was not natural; it was caused by the government restrictions introduced under cover of the Wuhan virus, and it is made worse by the left-green mandates seen everywhere in the Reign of Greta." . . .

. . ."Like Biden, Josef Stalin purged his military of competent officers, for fear their thoughts were not sufficiently progressive. Stalin’s new politically correct Soviet Army was then thoroughly spanked by a much smaller, more creative force after invading Finland in 1939. One can almost visualize a Soviet version of General Mark Milley licking Stalin’s boots, even while his troops were getting slaughtered in the snow.

“ 'Build Back Better”? That is merely Biden’s awkward plagiarizing of the globalist Great Reset, which itself smells a lot like a blend of China’s Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.

"Fabricate a crisis. Create shortages, inflation and monetary chaos. Destabilize the heartland with alien cultures. Crush the middle class. Erase and invalidate history. Divide and demonize. Purge the police and military of patriots. Transfer wealth from the people to the Party and its useful idiots.

"Biden doesn’t want to Build Back Better.

"He wants to Build Back Bolshevik."

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