Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Flustered Adam Schiff Tries to Squirm Out of His Debunked Steele Dossier Comments

As Guy also pointed out, Schiff is pretty much the last person to lecture anyone on lies surrounding Russian collusion.

"Joining The View as a guest host on Tuesday, former State Department Spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus confronted Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) over his actions to further the lies contained in the Steele Dossier and he didn't do well trying to explain why his advancement of Russian disinformation is different from what he accuses others of doing.
" 'You've been really prolific over the past few years being the head of the Intel Committee," Ortagus noted, "and you defended, promoted, you even read into the Congressional Record the Steele Dossier — and we know last week the main source of the dossier was indicted by the FBI for lying about most of the key claims in that dossier."
"Due to the recent revelations that confirmed what most already thought about the origins and credibility of the dossier, Ortagus asked Schiff: " 'Do you have any reflections on your role in promoting this to the American people?"
"As Glenn Greenwald pointed out, Ortagus' question was the toughest Schiff has received for his role in perpetuating literal fake news.:
Notable that Adam Schiff -- who appears on every CNN, MSNBC and Sunday morning network news program as often as possible -- just had his first truly adversarial questioning about his pathological Russiagate lies not on any of those networks but from Morgan Ortagus on the View.

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