Tuesday, December 28, 2021

It’s Good to Be Oppressed: Race Huckster Ibram X. Kendi Gets Paid $207 Per Minute for University Lecture

PJ Media

"The leading intellectual light behind the Critical Race Theory that has already severely damaged racial harmony in the United States and is corroding American society itself, Ibram X. Kendi, has discovered the fundamental truth of our absurd age: the quickest path to elite status and highly lucrative remuneration is to be oppressed, victimized, and marginalized. Kendi has mastered the art of parlaying his alleged oppression into big bucks, fawning coverage from the establishment media, and respect and influence in the academic world. Many others have done this, but none with the breathtaking audacity and extraordinary success of Ibram X. Kendi.

"Kendi graciously granted an audience recently to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), where he trained faculty and students in racial resentment and baseless grievance-mongering. A savvy and unabashed capitalist in service of Communism, he also took the opportunity to promote a few of his bestselling books, which are, of course, about how to sow racial resentment and indulge in baseless grievance-mongering.

"The sage intellectual was generous with his precious time, but Kendi is no Gandhi: the university had to shell out top dollar for the privilege of having the chance to bask in his serene presence. In order to be able to present “An Evening with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi: How to Be An Antiracist,” UWM paid the scholar $40,000, plus $3,500 more to cover his flight, hotel, and meals. Given the time that Kendi spent at UWM, according to The Federalist, this works out to about $207 per minute, which is not at all a bad wage for a few short hours sowing hatred, bitterness and suspicion." . . .

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