Friday, December 24, 2021

Lefty pols get a lesson in what 'defund the police' means

Let them lie in the bed they made for all of us. 

Tony Branco

Monica Showalter  "It's pretty amazing when leftists have to live with the results of their own decisions.

"Deep-blue San Francisco's descent into violent crime and chaos following its voters' choices to elect officials on platforms to "defund the police" is Exhibit A.

"But for the political perpetrators of these imposed anti-police agendas, it doesn't usually happen.  They are, after all, a nomenklatura of sorts, and membership has its privileges.

"But for two leftist politicos who unleashed "defund the police" on the public, the result was so big that they couldn't escape it.  They got what they voted for, "good and hard," as H.L. Mencken put it. 

"Here's a pair of Democrats who found themselves helpless victims of violent crimes brought on by defunding the police, according to Fox News:

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