Monday, March 21, 2022

SJW calls female swimmer TRANSPHOBIC for not wanting to change in front of Lia Thomas in the locker room

America's social decline into silliness brings us ridicule by adversaries around the world who are deadly serious

Replying to @libsoftiktok  "Womans world cup in swimming 2026"

 OMG, make it STOP! SJW calls female swimmer TRANSPHOBIC for not wanting to change in front of Lia Thomas in the locker room (watch) –

"Is transphobic the new racist? Asking for a friend. Or is it the new ‘insurrectionist’? We can’t keep all of these insulting terms and ‘ists’ and ‘obics’ straight when it comes to whatever the current outrage of the day is. And women being made out to be the bad guys for not wanting to change in front of a biological male … that’s just stupid.

"Why are so many people comfortable making women do things they are uncomfortable with to make a biological male who thinks he’s a woman more comfortable? How is this fair on any level to female athletes?". . .

In a related note, this parody by the Babylon Bee got them suspended:

NCAA Transgender Woes Trace Back to Biden Executive Order (  

The order went on to direct the heads of federal agencies to ensure that their rules recognized “gender identity” as an inviolable right — even though the order ends by laying cover for Biden and saying the order does not “create any right or benefit.” 

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