Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Liberal Smear Job Designed to Intimidate Justice Thomas Will Fail

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

What better way to target Justice Thomas than by attacking his wife?

Virginia Thomas — yes, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — is a decidedly well-known, very respected, and longtime conservative activist.
Imagine that! A political activist married to a prominent government official! Ohhhh the humanity!
"Mrs. Thomas has been smacked by the liberal media because she had the nerve — the nerve! — to text Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in the aftermath of the November 2020 election. She called the election “the greatest Heist of our History” and said lawyer Sidney Powell should be “the lead and the face” of Trump’s legal team. News reports have the police state-style Jan. 6 Committee possibly issuing a subpoena for her to appear. (No plans, though, to subpoena Speaker Nancy Pelosi or committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin, both of whom had responsibilities for the security of the Capitol building.)
. . . [NY Times attack on the Thomases here]
"Note: The call from Sen. Wyden, (Dem, OR) for Justice Thomas to recuse himself from “any case related to the Jan. 6 investigation” is utterly typical of Washington hypocrisy. Take a look at this 2021 story by the New York Post on Wyden.
"The headline:
US Sen. Ron Wyden boosts chipmakers while his wife buys their shares
"This gem of a story says that Wyden has pushed legislation that directly benefits his wife, who owns considerable shares of stock in the very semiconductor chip industry his legislation would benefit.
"And this guy has the nerve to lecture Justice and Mrs. Thomas? What a joke.
"Allow me to translate the rest of the Times article.
"The New York Times is a hardline, far-left newspaper. It cannot abide conservatives, and most particularly it cannot abide a black man who is not a similarly inclined hardline leftist. Justice Thomas long ago walked off the liberal plantation and has the audacity to think for himself. The Times hates him for it and always has.
"And note the line that “…Ms. Thomas had long been viewed with suspicion by the Republican establishment.” You don’t say! The same RINO wing of the GOP that hated Ronald Reagan in the day — and Donald Trump now — hates Ginni Thomas, too.
"The hard fact here is that as with any other activist of any stripe, one can agree or disagree with his or her position on X. But to smear them and try to intimidate them into silence in order to rig a Supreme Court decision is not simply wrong but decidedly un-American. I don’t agree with the New York Times — but I don’t want it shut down. I want the paper to have the same right as Ginni Thomas — to speak freely. And I want every liberal member of the Court to vote as they see fit.". . .Full Article here

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