Friday, May 6, 2022

Get ready for another 'summer of love'

Get ready for another 'summer of love' - American Thinker    "In 2020, we watched as rioters destroyed buildings and lives throughout our cities in the wake of George Floyd's death.  Get ready for another summer of riots and destruction.  The White House has legitimized such behavior by calling MAGA Republicans the most extreme in our history.

"The leaked working opinion authored by Justice Alito concerning overturning Roe v. Wade has provided the necessary unifying principle for the radical left.  Sen. Warren (D-Mass.) helped light the fuse outside the Supreme Court Building by inciting the crowd when she told them, "We won't go back."  In the past, Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.) threatened justices on the steps of the Court in 2020: "I want to tell you, Gorsuch.  I want to tell you, Kavanaugh.  You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.  You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."

"Already liberal groups are organizing protests to SCOTUS rulings.  Now the addresses of the Republican-appointed justices have been published for a walk-by next week.  This type of intimidation may be illegal in Virginia and could be viewed as interference in a legal procedure.  Certainly, among the pro-abortion crowd are radical persons who would advocate violence to stop such a ruling against Roe.  Afterall, intimidation is one of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.". . .

After Horrific SCOTUS Leak, Justices Must Plow Ahead and Overturn Roe - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   "To defect now would be to give the leaker and his or her street brawler allies a massive win."  (Behind a pay wall)

Different article, same title: After Horrific SCOTUS Leak, Justices Must Plow Ahead and Overturn Roe | Opinion (

While we cannot be certain, it is highly likely that the leak originated in the chambers of one of the Court's three lockstep-marching progressives: the retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, Justice Elena Kagan and Justice Sonia Sotomayor. The most straightforward, and indeed most likely, explanation is that a fanatical pro-abortion law clerk in a liberal chamber decided to seek progressive "hero" status and a shiny book deal, a MSNBC talking-head gig and/or a gender studies professorial perch at a mid-tier university. That rabid Antifa thugs will be dispatched to the private residences of the case's two swing justices, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh, is not a bug but a feature of this malicious scheme. Indeed, it appears some vile pro-abortion activists have already publicly posted some of the justices' personal addresses.

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