RedState "It’s been a bad week for some of the more notorious, left-leaning media outlets. The Washington Post is seemingly on fire, CNN is openly hinting that it might be axing some of its liberal news hosts, and MSNBC just hit a 23-year ratings low in the key demographic of adults aged 25-54. There’s even more bad news for CNN this week, though."Seems like people are getting sick of what they’re selling.". . .
. . ."“At 8pm ET on an ordinary night, Fox News has more than 3 million viewers, while Fox Business has under 100,000,” Stelter tweeted. “That pretty much says it all about Fox’s priorities.”

"This is a ridiculous take even from him. He just dunked on his own argument—why would you risk 3 million Tucker Carlson viewers to air a committee hearing, when we already saw that show in the second impeachment trial? It’s brilliant observations like these that have spawned rumors that Stetler is soon to go the way of CNN+."My colleague Jeff Charles reports that CNN is trying to do an about-face and return to unbiased reporting in an effort to boost sagging ratings and plunging credibility—but that it may be too late.
"The numbers tell us what we already knew—America’s mainstream media has been failing us. They’re entirely too biased; they advocate censorship of views they don’t like, and they often outright lie. While Fox’s dominance is nothing new, and ratings for CNN and MSNBC have been falling for a while now, they—like Joe Biden’s approval numbers—just can’t seem to find the bottom. America’s viewers are getting smarter, and simply turning the channel.". . .
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