"Who wants Joe Biden as his commander-in-chief?" Will Joe have your backs the way he did his border patrol? America deserves better than what she’s being forced to endure. Fix the rot at the top and suddenly military recruitment problems will go away. Young people are still willing to fight and die for American ideals. The problem is that American leadership has none.
American Spectator . . ."Who wants Joe Biden as his commander-in-chief? Who trusts this president with his or her son or daughter’s life? Who looks at the two-tiered justice system and believes it’s worth defending? President Biden got America out of Afghanistan and humiliated America and destabilized relationships around the world while doing it. Leaders like President Vladimir Putin have utter contempt for President Biden, and why not? Leaders in the Middle East refuse his requests, fully knowing that no one respects Biden, his lackeys, or the leadership in the Democrat party. John Kerry marauds around the globe talking inanely about the climate, while the world economy is faltering and famine is on the short horizon. The State Department actively thwarted getting Americans and their allies out of Afghanistan. They’re still interfering in the actions of private individuals seeking to liberate people there. These so-called elites would be the ones making life and death decisions. In Afghanistan, their decisions resulted in death.
"It’s not just the civilian and elected elites that engender the people’s scorn. The military leadership is a dysfunctional mess. Who wants to answer to political ideologues dressed up in military uniform, heels, and mascara? Who wants a leader like Gen. Mark Milley, who went behind the former commander-in-chief’s back and presided over failure after failure? All of it is shameful. All of it is not just un-American, it’s anti-American, and the corruption comes straight from the top.". . .
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