Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Vladimir Putin, Meet Joe Biden

 What kind of government – and despotic leader – would feel the need to countenance such all-out assaults on his political opposition?


Vladimir Putin, Meet Joe Biden – Issues & Insights  "Any remaining doubt that America is over was laid to rest Aug. 8, 2022 – 6 feet under.

"With the not just “unannounced,” but unprovoked, unprecedented, unprincipled and unpardonable violation of the home and property of a former head of state and potential future presidential candidate, this nation is no longer the United States. It is die Deutsche Demokratische Republik, and the Justice Department and FBI are the Stasi, KGB and Chinese Ministry of State Security rolled into one.

"And any question whether the Biden-Harris-Schumer-Pelosi occupation regime in Washington is illegitimate was equally dispatched by its latest outrage.

"Legitimate governments, operating with the consent of the governed, do not (per Julie Kelly of American Greatness) feel the need to awaken “hundreds of Americans … before dawn” deploying “dozens of armed FBI agents and military-style vehicles to capture even nonviolent protesters.' ”. . .

After calling Republicans subhuman, evil scum in need of annihilation, Biden then went on to say that America really needs to regain some unity and brotherhood.
So Joe Biden was behind the FBI's Mar-a-Lago raid all along - American Thinker

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