“President Biden was never the brightest bulb in the chandelier throughout his 50 years of public service,” said Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway during an interview on Fox Business. “People are concerned about him. He is the first octogenarian in office. The problem for the Democrats is they don’t necessarily have a great bench of people. It would be difficult to move away from a sitting president. I’m sure we are going to hear a lot more, but they have a difficult path ahead.”. . .
Joe Biden is unfit to be president. Why didn't anyone stop him? . . . "President Biden is a man of mediocre intellect who, over almost five decades in national public office, accomplished little to nothing, other than his election to federal offices and becoming rich off the federal teat and various side hustles. He is a thin-skinned, chip-on-the-shoulder, macho swaggerer who, in a Tucker Carlson phrase, "kisses up and spits down." He is a prevaricator, plagiarist, teller-of-tall-tales narcissist who has no respect for the truth, only narratives that advance his interests or portray him favorably. If not a racist, he still sees only through the lens of race and panders, prejudges, or pounces accordingly. Finally, when it comes to young children and women, he just cannot, as my mother used to put it, keep his hands to himself; he may be guilty of much, much worse.". . .
Comment to this post: Morry Rotenberg:
And we are here because we do not have a free press but rather one controlled by the evil party and the oligarchs of social media aided and abetted by an ignorant electorate.
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