Thursday, November 3, 2022

Tucker's Terrific Take on Biden's Speech and the Destruction Dems Have Wrought

 Nick Arama  . . .“ 'No group in American history has done a worse job running this country than the neo-liberals currently in charge,” Tucker declared. “They’re vicious, they’re intolerant, and they’re utterly corrupt. But above all, they are incompetent. In less than two years…they have run this country into the ground, wrecking our economy, desecrating our military, and opening the borders of the United States to more than five million lawbreakers. The destruction they have wrought is so profound, it’s hard to describe. So of course there will be consequences for that. In a country with democratic elections, how could this party stay in power?”

"That’s the bottom line, that’s what they’re afraid of — they know that they’re going to be tossed out and they’re trying to say anything they can to avert it, whether it’s based in reality or not.

"Tucker noted how the place that Joe Biden chose for his speech was emblematic of that failure — Union Station — once known for its beauty, now a homeless encampment, too filthy and “too dangerous for Starbucks.” As we reported, they tried to clean up the location by getting rid of the homeless right before, to hide the reality of the situation. Tucker also noted how Biden wants to dictate to us, “The guy who showered with his daughter is telling you you’re a bad person.” Oh, my.

"Carlson noted how odd it was that Biden was now demanding that no one complains about the election results, even though because of a lot of Democratic changes, we may not know the results for a few days, “But don’t be alarmed…And do not ask questions! Or else you’re a criminal!” Instead of making a pitch about what Biden had done to earn your vote, he commanded you to accept the results. “It was bizarre,” Carlson said. “And it did not inspire confidence.”

"The bottom line is they have nothing they can put out there after having failed so badly. So they’re trying to deflect and cast doubt on the wave that is about to hit. It is also concerning that Biden seems to be prepping us for questions coming about races and races taking days. Instead of assuring people, with his own words, he created more concern about the election. How will the left accept being defeated so soundly? Given all that we have seen so far, they’re not going to accept it easily.". . .

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