Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Which is more frightening: these politicians who blatantly lie to our faces or those of us who choose to believe them?

 Hillary Clinton Blames Republicans For Paul Pelosi Attack  The congenital liar speaks to her disciples.

Dem Gov. Gavin Newsom Blames Fox News Host For “Aiding And Abetting” Attack On Paul Pelosi…

Shocker: Biden Blames Paul Pelosi Attack On Trump Supporters…
  . . ."
The president then claimed that the attack was in connection to the January 6 Capitol protests, saying that he used the same “chant.” 

It’s reported that the same chant was used by this guy they have in custody that was used on January 6th in the attack on the U.S. Capitol,” Biden said, adding “I’m not making this up.' ”

Obama Blames GOP For Democrats’ Economic Disasters…

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