Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Republican Babes-in-the-Woods Will Soon Meet the Democrat Realpolitik

 American Thinker  Along these lines, Biden’s White house recently dismissed the Hunter laptop stories as – Old News.  Old News, while at the same time Democrats continue to go back centuries to find dirt on anyone, including Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson – if it serves their modern socialist propaganda purposes. 

"When they take control of the House, Republicans have said that they will investigate Joe Biden.  

"Democrats will not sit still for this and are already preparing to attack any investigations and any Republicans who are involved. 

"Republicans have made no secret of the fact that in the new Congress, they are planning to use their oversight powers to launch investigations of the Biden clan’s finances, the fiasco at the southern border, and the politicization DOJ/FBI – among other things. . . . 

. . ." At this point it’s good to remember what Paul A. Goble, a former State Department official, said in his article: “How Russian and Soviet Propaganda Differ.” 

The Russians he said, had learned that in an information era they could count on deceiving only those who wanted to be deceived.  Fortunately for them, he continued, these gullible individuals are extremely numerous.  An addition to this would be – and you can count on the American press to keep them gullible and accepting of the socialist messaging. 

There are two considerations here.  First, much of this came out before Elon Musk released the Twitter emails that exposed the collusion between social media, the DNC, the Biden campaign, and possibly government agencies.  But it sure fits the way they have always done business.  Second, the empire is already striking back.  The mainstream press is already working with/for the Democrats trying to downplay the Laptop from Hell scandal.  Additionally, Wikipedia is reportedly considering removing entries on the collusion Twitter Files Elon Musk has released from their site.  One reason they gave was that they were nothing new and had been ignored by the media. 

Ignored by the media.  There you have the Liberal media’s playbook and their most dangerous tool.  First, they ignore an inconvenient story – then they say it never happened because they didn’t report it.  And if you argue the point they (and all their friends) will call you extremists and racists. 

As they say in advertising, if you're explaining you're losing.  Democrats attack.  The Republicans snivel and defend and never attack.  That’s why no one pays any attention to their arguments.  This must change if things have any chance of getting better.

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