Sunday, January 8, 2023

Scorning Israel and Other Delusions of the Left

 Steve Apfel

I urge the SPLC to immediately put BlackLivesMatter on their list of hate groups. BLM is a Jew hating, White hating, Israel hating, conservative Black hating, violence promoting, dangerous Soros funded extremist group of haters. Morton Klein 

 . . ."Besides, a week is held to be a long time in politics; the government may defy the predicted plague on the house of Israel. For one thing allies and investors could force moderation on it. For another, US Secretary of State Blinken has praised the election and promised that Washington will not turn on Israel, negating the hue and cry from sour grape opponents.

"What is a crook and fanatic or two in government when not too many in the free world are  better. The President of America heads a crime family, for heaven sake.  

"As regards elections, how many countries can better Israel’s in terms of free and fair? Not the US. The Twitter files courtesy of Elon Musk prove censorship and collusion to rig Biden’s 2020 narrow victory over Trump.  In short, why make Israel a lone wolf offender?". . .

. . ."Such pro-Israel activists as they are, they pleaded with the Biden Administration: treat Israel’s government as illegitimate, observing the well-trod path of Democrats who rejected the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s 2016 election. They called themselves “the Resistance,” as if Trump headed another imaginary pro-Nazi Vichy regime. Hillary Clinton, Jerrold Nadler, Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter repeatedly called him an “illegitimate” president. For three years they fixated on ousting the imposter with their Russian collusion hoax, going so far as tasking a special undertaker named Robert Mueller to nail down Trump’s casket lid once and for all. Talk of threats to democracy. The pot calling the kettle black, wouldn’t you say?". . .

Don't Hate Israel for Its Weapons       . . ."The anti-Israel cabal in Britain refused to arm the Jews of Palestine.  President Truman's administration and the U.N. embargoed weapons shipments to the fledgling state.  Sanctions lasted in some form into the 1960s.  France put a weapons embargo on Israel in 1967, blaming Israel's pre-emptive attack.  President Johnson changed the relationship with Israel.  By 1968, the government signed deals with Israel to send Skyhawks, Hawk missiles, and Phantom jets and made loan guarantees to purchase them.

"The turning point came in 1973.  The Yom Kippur War was the signature event that sparked the explosive growth of Israel's domestic defense and weapons industry.  Henry Kissinger and James Schlesinger were disseisors in the Nixon administration.  They self-enforced an arms embargo on Israel while the Soviets supplied and re-supplied Arab forces.  Never again, Israeli leaders swore, will the State be held hostage and without its own arms and weapons.  By 1988, JStor, an academic journal, reported Israel as "home to an impressive military-industrial sector which ranks in the top ten in total exports.' ". . .

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