Sunday, April 30, 2023

Obama and his friends are a perfect illustration of the modern-day elitist Democrat

When Democrats rally against coal-based electricity, they know the homes of regular people will plunge into darkness while their mansions will remain unaffected. 

Obama and his friends are a perfect illustration of the modern-day elitist Democrat - American Thinker   "Just yesterday . . .saw more proof that the mainstream media in the U.S. and beyond are P.R. agencies for the Democrats.

"The media gave great prominence to former president Obama, filmmaker Steven Spielberg, and rock star Bruce Springsteen making a surprise appearance at a Barcelona restaurant with a last-minute dinner reservation on Thursday.

"The BBC carried details about the restaurateur being surprised by the visit and what he served his guests. There were details about the monument that the Obamas, Spielberg, and Springsteen visited.

"Most articles mentioned restaurant staff member Pol Perello posting a photo on Instagram of the staff and chefs posing with the celebrity trio.". . .

. . .Despite being among the ruling class, Democrats such as Michelle Obama frequently use their race to hide behind victimhood whenever they are challenged or subjected to scrutiny.

The only cause this group really believes in is the welfare of themselves.

The likes of AOC are merely following the footsteps of Obama.

The Democrats are responsible for most of the hardships suffered by the working class. 

The Democrats haven't resolved any issues such as gun control, abortion rights, etc., that they claim to certainly stand for, they merely misused issues to scare people into voting for them.". . .

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