Monday, April 24, 2023

WATCH: Bill Maher Asks Why Black Celebrities Never Talk About Black-on-Black Violence –

Also, it’s worth noting that some courageous black celebrities do, in fact, address black-on-black crime. Presidential candidate Larry Elder immediately comes to mind, as do Candace Owens and the artist formerly known as Kanye West. 

  PJ Media  . . ."Maher: “Most of the shootings [in Chicago] are young black men killing other young black men. Is that not correct?”

"Guest: “Yeah that’s correct.”

"Maher: “Okay, much more than what the cops do. Why doesn’t anybody talk about that? Why aren’t there a hundred giant black celebrities who would have the respect of those people saying what are you doing to yourselves? Why are you killing each other?”

"The answer, of course, is that addressing black-on-black crime does not further the narrative that White Supremacy™ is the sole source of everything wrong in the entire history of the world.

"Often the corporate media will blame White Supremacy™ for rampant black-on-black crime in any of America’s cities, arguing that poverty breeds criminality and that white people are responsible for black poverty, ergo black-on-black crime is white people’s fault.

"In other instances, they’ll claim the phenomenon of widespread black-on-black crime is actually a myth, and that it doesn’t exist at all.". . .

. . ."All of them are regularly smeared in the mainstream press as “Uncle Toms” – the pejorative term for black people who are perceived to act as collaborators with white oppressors.

"For all these reasons and more, black celebrities interested in staying in the good graces of polite liberal society keep their mouths shut and stick to the anti-white script."

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