Sunday, June 25, 2023

Can America Survive as a Self-Governing People? -

  American Thinker "A series of tests by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), better known as the Nation's Report Card, show that fifty years of student academic progress have been wiped out.  Unless this is reversed, America as a free nation faces a grim future." . . .

. . ."Student mental health is a "national emergency," with "youth suicides closely tied with in-person school attendance." 

"With billions of dollars wasted on government schools, we have severely dumbed down, mentally destabililzed political activists who hate America and the Christian faith.

"Illiteracy brings a heavy price.  It is devastating not only to personal lives, but to our society as a whole.  The U.S. has gone from being the world's best educated workforce to the least well educated in the industrial world.  Illiteracy is costing our national economy $2.2 trillion each and every year — that's 10% of our gross domestic product.

"Our founding fathers understood that self-government can survive only with an educated and a moral people who understand the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.

"The solution is to throw the bums out of government schools and return to ideology-free classical education.  Since that is decidedly unlikely to happen in the near future or even ever, parents should remove their children from harm's way and opt for one or more of the free-market education choices. "

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