Saturday, July 15, 2023

Biden's expiration date was long ago.

 Yet they had to wait till he had surrendered in Afghanistan!

Joe Scarborough says Biden ‘is so sharp’ and even wife Mika Brzezinski has a hard time with it -Thomas Lifson   "Although the video clip below from Grabien goes on and on for almost 4 minutes, the first minute will give you the gist if you’ve just eaten or have a weak stomach. For reasons unknown to me, former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, now turned into a fervent Democrat apologist as host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, stakes his credibility on the notion that President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is actually not a dementia-ridden husk of his former self, but is actually “so sharp.”

Joe Biden ‘Nibbled’ Again, Violating a Terrified Toddler - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   . . ."So why aren’t parents trusting their child’s instincts when an adult, who otherwise bears no relationship to the child, acts inappropriately toward him or her? And why does the mother, who is clearly holding the child in her arms, ignore Biden’s behavior? 
"Senility and presidential power don’t excuse Biden’s behavior. If he’s truly senile, extra caution should be taken around children, who are too young to understand the situation around them. If he’s the president, the standard of behavior should be higher, especially with the most vulnerable: children.
"A child squirming away from a stranger kissing him or her sends a signal to mom and dad. Leftist parents are missing the message and enabling a pervert because he shares their politics. It needs to stop."

The most disturbing Biden weirdness yet - Thomas Lifson    . . ."I could not hold Harris in lower regard, yet I think she is preferable in the Oval Office to this husk of a man whose expiration date obviously has passed. Given the rate of Biden’s decline, it can only get worse, and it will do so at an accelerating pace.

"It’s time to badger Biden’s cabinet with demands that they invoke the 25th and spare the  nation the risk it faces. She could not be worse than Biden, and most likely, the same puppet  masters would be guiding her.

"And being frank, The Democrats ought to be stuck with her as the incumbent candidate when they proceed with their nominating process.  I acknowledge the peril a President Harris would involve, but at this point it is a lesser evil. "  

 Baby Gains The Powers Of An Old Man After Being Bitten By Biden |From the Parodigal son, Babylon Bee  HELSINKI — A young Finnish child was suddenly imbued with the incredible powers of advanced age and dementia Thursday after being bitten by a stray American president. Her DNA forever changed; the adorable one-year-old has since transformed into Old Baby, a defender of children everywhere.

" 'Old Baby's powers are beyond that of mere mortals," wrote Oliver Laine, a spunky news reporter for Helsinki Times. "Her forgetfulness and incontinence know no bounds!' ". . .

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