Saturday, July 15, 2023

Biden angrily yells, curses at aides in private


. . ."Jeff Connaughton, a former Biden campaign and Senate aide who was chief of staff to Kaufman when he filled Biden's seat in the Senate, wrote about Biden's temper in his 2012 book on Washington corruption, "The Payoff: Why Wall Street Wins."

Connaughton wrote that as a senator, Biden was an "egomaniacal autocrat … determined to manage his staff through fear."

He told of a time during the 2008 presidential campaign when a 23-year-old fundraising staffer got into the car with Biden.

"Okay, senator, time to do some fundraising calls," the aide said. Biden responded by looking at him and snapping: "Get the f**k out of the car."

Connaughton told Axios that Biden "hides his sharper edge to promote his folksy Uncle Joe image — which is why, when flashes of anger break through, it seems so out of public character." . . .


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