Friday, August 4, 2023

Like Trump or not, those pursuing him are much the lesser


Jack Smith Admits Making False Claim to Court in Trump Case (  "Special counsel Jack Smith’s team made a startling admission in its case against former President Donald Trump, acknowledging in a new court filing that it failed to turn over all evidence to Mr. Trump’s legal team as required by law and falsely claimed that it had.

"Mr. Smith’s team said in a July 31 court filing (pdf) in its classified documents case against the former president that it had incorrectly claimed during a July 18 court hearing that it had provided all Mar-a-Lago surveillance footage to Mr. Trump’s defense attorneys, as required by law." . . .

Jack Smith's Trump indictment goes too far. Is it even legally sound? (

The hatred for Trump is so all-encompassing that legal experts on the political left have ignored the chilling implications of this indictment. This complaint is based largely on statements that are protected under the First Amendment. It would eviscerate free speech and could allow the government to arrest those who are accused of spreading disinformation in elections.. . . Jonathan Turley

 Mike Pompeo defends Trump after deciding against 2024 bid | Washington Examiner

Pompeo slammed President Joe Biden's administration on Wednesday, accusing it of violating one of the country's founding principles.  "Blind justice, with no favor based on political party, is one of our most important Founding principles," he tweeted. "The Biden Administration has turned this on its head."

Democrats Are Getting What They Want | Power Line   . . ."That, I think, is the Democrats’ plan. Keep Trump in the headlines of friendly newspapers, indict him, attack him. Make him the central issue in the 2024 campaign. And then reap a victory that is entirely foreordained, since Trump lost in 2020 and can’t possibly win in 2024.

"In my opinion, many leading Democrats are evil. But let’s be fair: they didn’t take control over virtually every American institution by being stupid. When it comes to politics, they know what they are doing. And what they are doing is trying to make Donald Trump the Republicans’ sacrificial lamb in 2024. That said, I can’t explain why Republicans would want to go along with the Democrats’ plan."

Outrageous: Devon Archer was Given Full Immunity from the DOJ | The Gateway Pundit

Tucker Carlson Interviews Devon Archer about Hunter and Joe Biden Selling Influence to Foreign Businesses

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