Saturday, August 12, 2023

Maui had a firebug on the loose and a fancy warning system that didn't work: Hawaii governor blames global warming -


Monica Showalter; American Thinker   "Hawaii had the world's fanciest natural disaster warning system on the planet. It also had an ongoing firebug problem, and recent academic study warning that the place was very vulnerable to fire catastrophes.

"Somehow, none of that figured in the government's fire plan. The firebug is still out there. The conditions created for big fires, such as the proliferation of non-native grasses, remain on Maui. And the fancy emergency warning system somehow didn't work.

"Never mind any of that: Its governor says the problem is global warming.

“We've never experienced a wildfire that affected a city like this before,” Hawaii Gov. Josh Green (D) told reporters Thursday, noting that global warming is exacerbating extreme weather around the world and will have to be considered as communities rebuild. “Climate change is here."

"Which seems a little distant from his immediate duties as governor.

"Here's the opening scenario for the catastrophe on Maui that took out Hawaii's lovely heritage town of Lahaina, destroyed 1,000 buildings, and killed scores of people, from the Associated Press:

LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — Hawaii emergency management records show no indication that warning sirens sounded before people ran for their lives from wildfires on Maui that killed at least 55 people and wiped out a historic town. Instead, officials sent alerts to mobile phones, televisions and radio stations — but widespread power and cellular outages may have limited their reach.

Hawaii boasts what the state describes as the largest integrated outdoor all-hazard public safety warning system in the world, with about 400 sirens positioned across the island chain to alert people to various natural disasters and other threats.

But many survivors said in interviews Thursday that they didn’t hear any sirens or receive a warning that gave them enough time to prepare and only realized they were in danger when they saw flames or heard explosions nearby.

"No warning? That's a scandal. And it led to scenes like this:"  (Intense Language)

Much more here.


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