Saturday, August 5, 2023

Tucker Carlson interviews Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer

 "From the comments to this interview: "Wow, Tucker has an amazing talent in getting answers from people who really don't want to implicate themselves. The way he stated the questions without being confrontational and got him to admit what we have all suspected about joe biden was masterful. I look forward to seeing the rest of the interview.' "

"Great interview. Archer appears a little guarded but reveals a reality that Joe's thanks letter to him, is very odd unless you understand he's grateful because Archers and his son's business involvement will ultimately and financially benefit Joe. This blows a hole in the assertion, that Joe never was involved in any business activity whatsoever. Archer knows more than he's willing to admit."

"The good thing about Tucker doing this interview it covers mainstream media who is not covering this at all. It is well known that the same amount or even more watch Tucker and plus mainstream media will be forced to watch this as well. I like how Tucker is using his "Tucknacity" on Archer. Smart move Tucker"

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