Thursday, September 7, 2023

Getting black people not to vote for Biden -

 Don Surber    "Biden is in trouble so deep that the meatheads in the media have noticed."

"Salena Zito reported, “Democrats beware: These black voters are fed up, and looking for a political home.”

"She is a fine reporter who goes out and talks to people one human being to another. That gets her insights the talking heads don’t get from talking among themselves.

"Zito reported, “Ardell Mar­tin of Duquesne says the Demo­crat Party has taken Black vot­ers for granted for too long and no lon­ger rep­resents mid­dle class black peo­ple; she is un­happy with Joe Biden and has no in­ter­est in Don­ald Trump.”

"Duquesne is a suburb of Pittsburgh. It also has a violent crime rate 3 times higher than the nation. Need I mention it is 58% black? If that offends you, too bad. Uncomfortable truths are the most important ones.

"And the uncomfortable truth for President Trump is he is not going to get many black votes, but that is OK because Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan won 6 presidential races without the black vote; 5 were landslide victories.

"The key to all this is remembering there are three ways to vote, not just two. The first is to vote Republican, the second is to vote Democrat, and the third way is to stay home — or vote a third party." . . .

Who should Democrats replace Biden with?
Kamala Harris
Gavin Newsom
An ice cream cone

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