Monday, September 25, 2023

Randi Weingarten Gets Fact-Checked for Misrepresenting Story About a Fired Texas School Teacher

 Legal Insurrection

“Hey Randi, you forgot to turn off comments and you’re getting fact-checked & exposed for the shameless liar on which you base your entire platform.”

"Among her critics, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten is not exactly known for being truthful.

"It’s not uncommon to see her get Community Noted on the Twitter machine for playing fast and loose with the facts, as was the case after her incredible claim in April during a House Select Subcommittee hearing on the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic that she fought to reopen schools.

"It was, of course, untrue.

"Fast forward a few months, and Weingarten is at it again. This time around, her insinuations revolve around alleged book banning and anti-Semitism.

"She saw a story from the Houston Chronicle about a Texas teacher fired for presenting a controversial illustrated version of Anne Frank’s diary to her 8th-grade classroom and posted the link to Twitter.

"The problem, however, came in Weingarten’s sensationalistic description of what happened:" . . .

But first look at the so-called Anne Frank book that Texas teacher fired for reading Diary of Anne Frank to class (    "But the point is that Weingarten’s claim that the teacher was fired for merely reading the commonly known version of Anne Frank’s diary is utterly false, and that she also left out what the adaptation in question contained:" . . .

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