Thursday, September 28, 2023

"We’re all in this together. If a Democrat wins the next presidential election (and, God forbid, the Senate, too), we’ll all hang go to the gulags together . . ." *

This is easily the most disappointing performance I’ve yet seen by a host for a presidential debate. This should raise serious questions about Ronna McDaniel’s leadership at the RNC, especially because she made the debates a key issue in her re-election as RNC chair. She pledged to make sure that these forums would not become turkey shoots of Republican candidates by mainstream media. The first Fox News debate had its issues, but this was far worse, and every candidate on the stage last night should demand some answers and accountability for what McDaniel has wrought thus far.

 The Second GOP Debate Was a Mess...and It Exposed a Glaring Issue Within the Republican Party (

What the Heck Was Fox News Thinking? – RedState    . . . "Not to say some candidates didn't acquit themselves very well, including Ron DeSantis, Doug Burgum, and Vivek Ramaswamy (in my opinion), but it is to say that the overall production hovered somewhere between a dumpster fire and testicle cancer. All of that can be traced back to the moderators. As was mentioned in my post-debate article about Univision's Ilia Calderón, who was inexplicably allowed to be a moderator by Fox News and the Ronna McDaniel-led RNC, it felt like you were watching an MSNBC primetime show at points." . . .

"To give one example, Calderón actually blamed United States citizens for the fentanyl crisis in an astonishing attempt to pass the buck from Mexico and China.". . .

I'm not trying to be hard on Dana Perino, but her attempt to get the candidates to play a faux game of Survivor was ridiculous. It perfectly encapsulates why so many have turned away from Fox News. We don't want silly, manufactured drama. We want results, and we want a "conservative" news network that can keep its eye on the ball instead of morphing into the equivalent of a CNN broadcast.

 Whose Side Is Fox on Anyway? – PJ Media   "The Fox Business GOP presidential debate was a total trainwreck—and that’s putting it mildly.

"If you watched, you were treated to nearly two hours of left-wing talking points from the moderators, who not only had no control of the debate but ignored their own rules and allowed candidates to attack one another without the opportunity for rebuttal.

"The leftist Univision moderator—Emmy award winner!!! Ilia Calderón—who had trouble speaking English clearly, kept asking questions about Dreamers and DACA, turning the questions into speeches to condemn GOP policies on immigration."
Then there was Dana Perino’s stupid question at the end asking the candidates who should be voted off the GOP “island” to clear the field. DeSantis spoke up and called her out for asking a question with no substance in what should’ve been a serious debate. The other candidates quickly united behind DeSantis, nodding their heads.

Second GOP Debate Marred By Univision Moderator’s Anti-American HATE and LIES | Newsbusters "In another instance of why Republicans shouldn't submit themselves to questions from a biased press, Calderón pedded Kamala Harris's BIG LIE about what Florida teaches about slavery.

 Ilia Calderón's Accent Is Too Thick - - Gmail (  . . ."When the spoken word is part of one’s job description I wonder why Ms. Calderon has chosen not to improve her pronunciation. Why was she chosen to moderate this debate? Because she is a Trump-hater? Her August 2020 book, “My Time to Speak: Reclaiming Ancestry and Confronting Race,” makes it clear she is both a hater-at-large and a Trump-hater specially.

"When she asked Chris Christie the following question, she was lying: “What do you say about a pathway to citizenship for 11 million immigrants?”

"Yale study in 2018 found that 22 million illegal aliens were living in the United States. Granted, some illegals that were counted in 2018 have no doubt since moved out of the country; but, THAT doesn’t include those that entered since then, including Biden’s guests. They tally about 9 million, with 10,000 currently arriving daily. Her question should have referred to the Yale study AND the total of Biden’s guests. THAT would have been an honest question. Christie did not correct her, nor did any of the other candidates." . . .

Get ready for more terrible questions like those when NBC News hosts the third GOP debate.

Paula Bolyard is the editor of PJ Media. Follow her on TwitterGab, and ParlerFor media inquiries, please contact

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