Saturday, September 9, 2023

What an unprecedented Biden ad blitz says about his reelection fight

 Biden super PAC ad campaign begins in swing states - POLITICO

A super PAC affiliate is spending $13 million far ahead of the normal advertising timeline.

"The cavalry is arriving extraordinarily early for President Joe Biden.

"With poll after brutal poll showing the president in danger of losing a likely rematch with former President Donald Trump, his campaign is getting an unusual boost from a super PAC spending millions of dollars to resuscitate public opinion of him in major battlegrounds.  

"The ads are striking for both their timing and their content. 

"The election is still 423 days away, and Biden and an affiliate of his chief super PAC are already running TV ads in nearly every major battleground state — far earlier than normal for a presidential election. And instead of going on the attack, as super PACs usually do, the ads are trying to boost Biden’s image." . .  .

. . ."Here are five things to know about the early Biden ad blitz:. . ."

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