Sunday, October 15, 2023

The lesson is don't behead babies and expect support.

 But it was a mostly peaceful spree of rape, torture and burning babies alive. (Sounds like Ali Velshi from MSNBC)

Highlights of the week - Don Surber (  ITEM 1: The horrific attack on Israel by Palestine shocked the world. Suddenly Sarah Silverman and other celebrities no longer support anti-Semitic groups such as BLM.

"J.K Rowling tweeted, “We said ‘never again.’ The UK was a safe haven. Now, after the biggest massacre of Jews since the holocaust, British Jewish children are being advised to hide their identities as they walk to school, for their own safety. There should be mass outrage that this is necessary.”

"From my side of the pond, Brits worried too much about Bibi and too little about Corbyn. Virtue signaling made anti-Semitism popular again.

"But we must forgive these fools and move on to eliminating Black September, PLO, PLA, Hezbollah, Hamas, Hummus, or whatever Palestinians are calling their terrorist army these days. Level Gaza.

"Too harsh?

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