Sunday, November 19, 2023

Jerome Brooks, The Staffer Who Was Called a Fat Ass Stupid Idiot by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is Dead

 Houston Business Connections Newspaper©:  via Revolver News

Jerome Brooks (right) one of the Black male staffers who was berated by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (left), in her infamous audio recording has reportedly committed suicide at 36 years of age according to multiple sources. DEAD SILENCE... As far as we know, the Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor of Houston Campaign has not said a word about the untimely death of Jerome Brooks, who, according to several sources took his life on Sunday, October 29, 2023, which was only a few days after "LEAKED AUDIO" of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, berating Jerome Brooks and another staffer calling them idiots surfaced."

Part of the conversation contains language as she is recorded: . . ."I don't want you to do a g---amn thing. I want you to have a fucking brain. I want you to have read it. I want you to say, Congresswoman, with such and such date. That's what I want. That's the kind of staff that I want to have. So some stupid other motherfucker did it. And, and I don't have the information. Nobody sent me the information. I need to, uh, ensure my, um, schedule and, uh, you know, if, if Boo Boo did it, shit ass did it, fuck face did it. And nobody knows a g---amn thing in my office. Okay? Nothing. I gave it to you. Your job was to get it on the calendar, imprint it in your brain, or send me the information back saying, “Congresswoman, I made sure that the Ovide Ducantell event that you gave me, uh, for a so-and-so date at seven is on the fucking calendar.” Not to, oh, Jerome has it."

Sheila Jackson Lee • 1:02 - 1:33

"Okay. So when I called Jerome, he only sitting up there like a fat ass stupid idiot talking about, uh, what the fuck? He doesn't know. Okay? Both of y'all are fuck ups [inaudible]. It's the worst shit that I could have ever had put together. Two g---amn big-ass children fucking idiots serve no g---amn purpose. Ain't managing nobody. Nobody's respecting them. Nobody gives a shit about what you're doing and you ain't doing shit. And this is an example of it. I gave it to Jerome. This is not child's work."

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