Jack Cashill; American Thinker
Unfortunately for America, Michelle has chosen to hector white parents who made the same decisions she and her parents made. God help us if she becomes the nominee, let alone the president. She will take the mess Barack made of race relations and make it all that much messier. She can’t help herself. As Gilbert documents, it’s in her nature.
"Last weekend, former Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod kicked the Democrat barn doors open, suggesting on X that it may be time “to change horses.” If that horse just happens to be former first lady Michelle Obama, America will be in for one hell of a ride. Knowing her potential to spark turmoil within the party, Axelrod hedged his bets.
“ 'A lot will happen in the next year that no one can predict & Biden's team says his resolve to run is firm,” he cautioned. “He’s defied [conventional wisdom] before but this will send tremors of doubt thru the party — not ‘bed-wetting,’ but legitimate concern.” The “this” to which Axelrod referred was a poll showing Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by comfortable margins in five of six swing states and hanging close in the sixth.
"On Monday’s Megyn Kelly show, Sen. Ted Cruz suggested a likely strategy for the Democrats going forward. “The chances are rising dramatically that the Democrats at their convention next summer will dump Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama as the nominee,” said Cruz. He added, “I don’t want to see that happen, but... I think Axelrod has just increased the chances of that significantly.”
"No one on the right wants to see Michelle run — too much potential for even more racial madness — but Los Angeles filmmaker Joel Gilbert may be an exception. In the summer of 2022, Gilbert released a prescient film and book, each titled Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power. Having secured a copy of this doggedly researched book in manuscript form, I was able to incorporate relevant facts unearthed by Gilbert into the book on which I was then working." . . .
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