Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A Shameful Ruling Class that Shamelessly Shames Good Americans

 J.B. Shurk - American Thinker  . . ."If the Clintons supercharged shamelessness in America, they have certainly found plenty of equally lascivious comrades along the way.  It is why sexually delusional men shamelessly beat women in competitive sports.  It is why women “shout their abortions” without any consideration for the lives they have sacrificed.  It is why the ever-evolving LGBT community commits itself to “pride,” rather than humility.  It is why Jew-hating leftists accuse the right of “hate.”  It is why a criminal deviant such as Hunter Biden calls himself a “victim.”  It is why Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin threatens the deaths of American servicemembers in an undeclared war against Russia, unless Congress again gives tens of billions of dollars to similarly corrupt officials in Ukraine." . . .

"In such an era, when the worst people hold onto power, it becomes imperative never to let the shameless shame you.  Don’t let them shame you into putting on a mask, paying more for “green” energy, abandoning God, or adopting their “woke” religion.  Do not worry about the government’s opinion of you.  As Tucker Carlson sagely advises: “Care only about the opinions of people who love you.' ”

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