Thursday, January 11, 2024

"Austin is a retired four-star general. Kirby is a retired rear admiral. How is this a difficult concept for either of them? " Twitchy


BOOMITY: Peter Doocy Nukes John Kirby at Press Briefing Regarding Secretary Austin Health Fiasco – Twitchy    . . ."Yesterday, Kirby's Gob Bluth 'I've made a huge mistake' moment came when he called on Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy on the topic of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. Austin, as we all remember, went off the grid over the holidays, without informing his chain of command, for what we were told was 'elective surgery' and then complications due to that surgery. Later, it was confirmed that Austin was having surgery for prostate cancer. Not exactly removing a mole, is it? Probably something people should have been told about. 

"Doocy, who is really the only one in the room who can consistently be counted on to be a reporter, asked two EPIC questions of Kirby. 

"Let the stammering non-response begin: "

 . . ."Trying to defend the indefensible is never an easy job." 

Lloyd Austin at the ICU: A Symptom of a More Serious Malady    . . ."What’s most shocking about this story is that it provides a rare look inside the minds of the bureaucrats, the people we often think of as the technocracy, or even the Deep State.

"Obviously, someone at the Department of Defense knew Lloyd Austin was in the ICU at Walter Reed.  Someone had to make up the lie that the man was working at home, to cover up the fact that he was suffering complications from some as-yet-unidentified elective surgery (if it was indeed elective, that’s a story in itself, as well). Some staffers, and presumably some undersecretaries, knew the truth of the situation and collaborated to keep both the whereabouts and the potentially life-threatening condition of the Secretary of Defense a secret from both his legislative and executive superiors.


"Why did they think they had the right?

"That’s the really interesting lesson in this story, isn’t it?" . . . More here...

  "The cultivation of brainless students has been in the works for decades and the cost of accomplishing this tragedy has exploded because of governmental intrusion."

Secy Austin's Blunder Was Arrogance or Stupidity - Either Way, He Needs to Go – RedState

"Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who presides over 1.4 million U.S. military volunteers, left his Pentagon post without notice or authorization and kept his absence a secret for almost a week. That's called AWOL, even if you're in charge.

"Austin was a four-star general with 41 years of service, including tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. So, there is no question about his character or devotion to the service of his country." . . . 

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