Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Iowa had no choice but Trump -

  Don Surber (substack.com)   The indictment of a president by a rogue regime is unacceptable

"Actually, it is a Solzhenitsyn versus Stalin contest because Biden wants to send Trump to a gulag, preferably in Alaska.

"Appropriately for Martin Luther King Day, Iowans went to the polls and rang the bell of freedom by giving President Trump an easy victory in the state’s presidential caucuses. AP called the race a moment after the polls closed.

"Let us consider the parallels.

"MLK had a mugshot. Now, so does The Donald. The same Democrat Party that ran the South that imprisoned MLK’s followers has imprisoned DJT’s followers. The deep state wants to stop Trump with four indictments and 91 charges as well as the various frivolous lawsuits against him. We’re next.

"Iowans rose and stood with him because they had no choice. He is our last stand because if they can take him down, no one is safe.

"Hillary Haley, a pawn of the World Economic Forum, plans to stay in the race in case, you know, something unexpected happens to him involving a grassy knoll or a shortcut through a restaurant.

"Trikki Nikki said, “I can safely say tonight Iowa made this Republican primary a two-person race.”

"She finished third. As Barbie said, math class is tough.

"The race is over. Vivek dropped out after Iowa. DeSantis finished second but 30 points behind. The fat lady may not be singing yet, but Don Meredith is." . . .

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