Wednesday, January 10, 2024

KUDOS to Muslim girls basketball team in California for refusing to compete against team with a male player pretending to be female

 Bare Naked Islam   "An Islamic high school in California reportedly canceled a January 4th girls basketball game rather than play another school that had a male who identifies as a female player on its team. The Muslim girls team refused to play against the boy or share a locker room with him. Needless to say, a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of the female players.

Breitbart (h/t Nita) According to the report, Freemont-based Averroes High School — which bills itself as a college preparatory Islamic high school — forfeited its girls’ basketball game against San Francisco Waldorf High. Averroes officials did not disclose why they canceled the game, but sources have told Reduxx that the game was nixed because Waldorf had a boy who says he is a transgender girl playing for them.

"While Reduxx did not name the transgender player, the site claims it looked into the matter and found that the boy is taller and faster than the girls on his team and has even retained his male name, as seen on the team’s roster.
"Reduxx also spoke to Julie Lane, a representative of the advocacy group Women Are Real, and she went in person to watch a game Waldorf’s girl’s basketball was playing and witnessed firsthand how the transgender player overpowered his opponents.
“The boy had an obvious advantage,” Lane said. “[The girls] didn’t necessarily run their offense through him, probably because they didn’t want to be targeted. But he got most rebounds and was able to jump much higher than the girls.”
Lane went on to say that the girls he faced “were at a complete disadvantage.” “I caught one scramble for the ball with another player, and my heart stopped. She was more than a foot shorter than him and could have been seriously injured,” she said. Unsurprisingly, Waldorf’s girls’ basketball team has been undefeated since the boy joined.                         

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