Monday, January 22, 2024

TV Ignores Issues & Rivals, Fixates on Bashing Trump


. . ."They Came Not to Praise, but to Bury Him: As was the case in 2016 and during his entire Presidency, virtually all of the media’s 2023 coverage of Trump consisted of negativity and criticism. Yet while his chief rivals faced much less scrutiny, there was no media goodwill for either Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis last year, either.

"To measure good press and bad press, our analysts focused solely on statements from reporters, anchors and non-affiliated sources (see methodology explanation at the end of this article for more detail). In 2023, evening news viewers heard 1,478 negative statements about Trump, vs. just 143 positive statements. That computes to 91% negative spin, on par with the hostile coverage Trump has historically received from these broadcasts.

"The networks were nearly as negative towards Ron DeSantis: 103 negative statements, vs. just 37 positive ones, for a spin of 73% negative. Most of anti-DeSantis coverage came early in the year, as detailed in an August NewsBusters report.

"While year-end polls showed Nikki Haley surging in New Hampshire, there was little evidence of a boom in her evening news coverage. Haley received the least evaluative coverage of any of the major candidates: just ten positive and ten negative statements throughout 2023. While a 50% positive/50% negative spin score might seem superior to the much more negative coverage of Trump and DeSantis, it’s hardly the kind of Obama-esque positive publicity that candidates desire at the end of a campaign." . . .

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