Thursday, February 22, 2024

Chutzpah: Trans activists who desecrated St. Patrick's cathedral now demand an apology

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker

. . ."And the Church is well on the road to becoming a dump, too, if it doesn't hold firm on this and tell the mau-mauers to take a hike with their apology demands, and no doubt, lawsuit. Is there anyone at that Church strong enough to stand up to the mau-mauers of this lobby, who have used bullying tactics to get their way all through America's institutions? They've found an especially attractive soft target in the Catholic Church, whose pope is often a vindictive weakling but always wants to be seen as 'nice' people inclusive of all, no matter what the sleazy agenda.

Where are the tough-old-bird cardinals of old who'd stand up in heartbeat to defend what is sacred and valuable in this faith, so that there will be striving faithful instead of self-satisfied freaks in the pews? The Church's response thus far has been adequate in that they rightly cancelled the Mass, but weak, very weak, and now they're stuck with a tar baby they can't extricate themselves from easily.

It's time for some serious leadership from the front. If they don't care about themselves, they do need to care about what is sacred and holy because these power-hungry activists want to take it over and dictate their terms, rendering the Catholic Church into a mainline Protestant  Church with empty pews. Time to man up to these clown-show bullies in dollar-bill boas, Cardinal Dolan, the clergy who permitted this, and all Church leaders who haven't so far been silenced for their traditional values by the utterly weak pope.

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