Thursday, February 29, 2024

How can the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel left be so obtuse?


Hebron, Palestine: Isn’t it barbaric to decapitate Mr. Ahmad Abu Marhia just because he is gay?

. . ."Indeed, he was brutally murdered (i.e., decapitated, dismembered). Guess why? Simply because of his sexual orientation. As reported in the Lebanese, Israeli, and British media, Mr. Abu Marhia was hiding in Israel awaiting to leave the country to Canada, as a refugee in just two months before his death. How sad and how unfair (!

"The fate of Mr. Abu Marhia speaks volumes about how you are treated by Islamists when you are from a sexual minority (i.e., homosexual). You receive death threats, as reported in the articles cited above. You also risk being killed in the most horrible way like in this tragedy. This when you are not thrown out of a building or sentenced to death in other countries of the region. Yet in some other places of this part of the world, you may be put in jail and even tortured. Furthermore, in some apparently more tolerant countries of the region, you risk being medically examined in the most degrading way possible to the dignity of a human being.

"Welcome to the Middle East where 56% of its youth want their countries’ laws to be based on the Shariah (Islamic) law, not on civil/common law, as per the earlier post shown below." . . .

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