Monday, February 12, 2024

The feckless American ally; Where there's no will, there's no way.

The AP quotes Thomas Gift of University College London. Gift predicts that America's time as a global leader is at an end no matter who wins the White House in November. He says that we are heading toward a multipolar planet in which the United States is no longer “the indisputable world superpower.”

Bill Maher wonders at the mindset of Americans. 


 AP Worries That America Is No Longer a Good Ally – HotAir

. . ."Is America's foreign policy situation falling apart? That's the impression that you might take away from this weekend's Associated Press analysis. With the election continuing to look like a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the AP concludes that many of our allies are worried that it doesn't really matter who wins. America is absorbed in its own affairs and could become a "less dependable" ally in the near future. And that could increase the risk of new dangers cropping up related to "flashpoints around the world from Ukraine to the Middle East." There may be some merit to a few of the points they are making, but these assumptions clearly ignore the very large and obvious policy differences between the two candidates." . . .

"But aside from the spending and debt, the other problems listed above were driven or at least exacerbated by Joe Biden's horrible policies and leadership. If you get rid of the source of those problems, more resources will be freed up to address other issues once the mess has been (hopefully) cleaned up. Also, the international scene tends to be a lot more calm when America has a leader who is viewed as being strong and willing to act decisively if the situation calls for it. The next phase of events on the world stage may not look exactly as they did during the first Trump term even if he returns. He will have a lot of domestic fires to put out. But they could still rebound a bit and look better than what we're currently seeing. America can still be a reliable ally, but as the flight stewards on the airlines always remind us, we're going to need to put our own oxygen mask on before we try to help the person in the next seat." . . .

Netanyahu vows Israel will ‘go it alone’ in Gaza if international support wavers

14 Yr Old Girl Lets Durham City Council Have a Piece of Her Mind About Their Gaza Ceasefire Resolution

It looks more and more like Israel stands alone against the terrorists.

The Destroyers of Jerusalem Destroyed
1Behold, a day of the LORD is coming when your plunder will be divided in your presence. 2For I will gather all the nations for battle against Jerusalem, and the city will be captured, the houses looted, and the women ravished. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be removed from the city. 3Then the LORD will go out to fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle.…

It seems the world is turning against Israel, so what is to come?

Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah discussed this back in 2019 with this message, Israel Will Stand Alone.

. . ."This scenario seems unlikely given that Israel maintains a defensive military policy, never preempting any attack unless war is, with all certainty, inevitable. The Jewish people value life, and every man or woman who dies erases their progeny—an entire generation and every generation that would follow. Most Israelis feel that military conflict with Syria, at least for now, can be avoided.

"I do not believe President Trump has a workable plan for Syria, nor do I think he could ever calculate, with certainty, the outcome of his decision. Every human action is made with calculated risk. While I am sure the President weighed these risks, he is not able to predict the future.

"However, I do know the one who knows the future, and with meticulous calculation, is sovereignly controlling the affairs of humankind to bring His plans into present history. He is the one who has and will always have a perfect plan and destiny for Israel. He knows the exact outcome of every human decision because he orders it to fulfill His purpose.[i]

"Of course, I am speaking about the God of Israel, and I believe He holds the heart of every President in His hand. Like a river of water, He turns it wherever He wishes to accomplish His will for the only nation born of His covenant—Israel.". . .  

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