Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Tools Of Soros

 “George Soros has quietly orchestrated the dark money political equivalent of ‘shock and awe,’ on local attorney races through the country, shattering records, flipping races and essentially making a mockery of our entire campaign finance system,” . . .


Racism means Fani Willis can do no wrong - American Thinker    . . ."It would be nice someday if women in power, like Fani, Kamala, and Hillary, just answered questions like adults instead of routinely playing the race and sex cards when they are asked questions they don’t like or when anyone disagrees with their policies or opinions. 

It is pathetic that most of the media also play the race card and the sex card, but usually only in the case of Democrat women." 

The Tangled Fates of Fani Willis and Her Biggest Case | The New Yorker
. . ."Willis had hired a special prosecutor named Nathan Wade, in November of 2021, to lead the case, which she’d launched in February of that year. But when Arora dug into his background, last fall, he thought that Wade had an oddly thin résumé for someone working on such a high-profile case. Wade had spent his career as a private defense lawyer, often fighting misdemeanor charges, and later as a municipal-court judge. He’d never worked on a racketeering case. “He really didn’t appear qualified to lead a rico prosecution,” Arora, who had also worked in the Fulton County D.A.’s office, two decades ago, told me. Georgia has an unusually broad racketeering statute, which Willis is fond of using. “Most lawyers in this state aren’t qualified to do it, and here you’re talking about using it in the most unique way in American history—going after a President,” Arora said. “And the D.A. hires someone that hasn’t had any serious felony experience, much less something at this level?” . . .
. . .“Crooked Soros-funded Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had an ‘improper’ romantic relationship with a top Trump prosecutor in her office,” a piece in the Gateway Pundit read. Republicans in Congress piled on, too. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the congresswoman from northwest Georgia, called for the state’s ethics commission to consider sanctioning Willis.
How George Soros funded progressive DAs behind US crime surge  2021: "For the last several years, billionaire philanthropist George Soros has been quietly financing a revolution in criminal justice reform, doling out tens of millions of dollars to progressive candidates in district attorney races throughout the country amid movements to abolish bail and defund the police.

"Working with an activist attorney, Soros, 91, mainly funnels cash through a complicated web of  federal and state political action committees as well as non-profits from coast to coast, public records show.

"Last year, the Foundation to Promote Open Society, a nonprofit in Soros’ orbit, gave $3 million to the Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability, according to a recent report. The group provides resources to “local advocates and organizations working to address the harm of policing in the US.” . . .

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