Monday, March 18, 2024

Biden's manic mood shifts

"So Biden’s SOTU speech hasn’t done much to help him on the issues but his angry visage is going to hurt him in the long run. Most people after hearing SOTU speeches don’t parse it like the politicians or Washington pundits. They are just left with an impression and the image in many minds is of an old man looking very angry and shouting." Greg Ganske

 Biden’s State of the Union Speech Too Hot for Cool Medium; Greg Ganske  . . . "My wife is a retired family physician, has treated dementia and stroke patients with Adderall and Ritalin, and wondered the same.

Other physicians I know think similarly. A few comments from them: “If you look at how Biden usually is—slow and stumbling—compared to how he was during the State of The Union--fiery and angry—these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine,” and "Adderall or Provigil are the GO pills used by Military Air Force--next day was running for Congress again," and "Absolutely yes. I considered modafanil which the military has used for years."  An anesthesiologist tells me, " I absolutely was thinking they pumped him up with either adderall, ritalin or modafanil. He also appeared to be very “edgy.” . . .
Biden Is 'Angry' Again. NBC News Offers Some Insight; Matt Vespa   . . .Biden is also a weak candidate, folks. His approval is in the toilet, and it will remain there. He’s too old and stupid to fix that until Election Day. It’s about animating base voters. It goes for both sides—it’s why Biden’s shambolic, off-the-rails State of the Union address was mostly about attacking Trump and the Republicans. He needed to get his base together, which had been drifting away from the president. Young voters, Blacks, Hispanics, labor union workers, and Arab Americans are all souring on Biden, along with independents. Trump doesn’t have a base problem. "It's still funny that Biden is indignant that the wider public isn’t stroking his ego over an economic recovery that began under Trump." . . .
Are Biden's mood swings getting out of control? | Blaze Media  . . .“Collectively to date, they have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison.”
"The crowd erupted with applause before Biden took a shot at Donald Trump, claiming that rather than calling them “ex-insurrectionists” and “criminals,” Trump calls them “patriots.”

"Glenn Beck notes that Biden’s rant isn’t even close to correct.
" 'In no court documents, in no court case, are they being convicted or tried for insurrection. None of them,” Glenn says.
“ 'We’re not trying to downplay what happened on the day, but like this idea that there was 1,200 people who tried to overturn the government is so completely insane and overblown that you lose all context of what actually happened on January 6,” Stu Burguiere agrees." . . .

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