Friday, April 12, 2024

Can America Survive if the Guilty Are Left Unpunished? Nah.

 Related: Tunnel Wall post about OJ Simpson. 

Then there are Congressional Democrats at their most contemptible. TD 

Kevin Downey Jr. – PJ Media  "No, the nation will not survive if there isn't a reckoning for politicians overtly working against Americans.

" 'History is full of stories of oppressed people rising and overcoming the tyrants who have wronged them. Sometimes the stories end with the two sides peacefully agreeing to make changes. Other times it has ended in a one-way walk up the stairs to a guillotine. 

"Romania's despotic communist leader, Nicolae Ceausescu, had his brains relocated to a brick wall after Romanians had enough of his tyranny.

"Italy's Fascist WWII leader, Benito Mussolini, was last seen hanging upside down in Milan next to his squeeze, both of whom had been recently perforated with a machine gun.

"Notable Nazis found "Spandau Ballet" as the last entry on their dance cards.

"When I say a reckoning is necessary, I am not condoning violence. But history has shown us that if humans don't pay a price for their crimes, violence will likely become that last resort. I hope it never comes to that.

"We as a nation are well beyond asking questions like, "Why are MAGA grannies getting busted for a peaceful 10-minute walk in the Capitol, but Antifa and BLM were allowed to burn the nation with near impunity?"

"Then there was that whole censoring-Americans-on-social-media thing, when the CIA, FBI, and other governmental agencies convinced social media companies to shut down people who dared challenge the notion that COVID vaccines and masks made a difference.

"We sat still as eight Trump associates were sentenced to prison (not to mention the DOJ's maniacal efforts to send Trump as well). Yet, the Biden Crime Family still hasn't been charged despite the overwhelming evidence of bribery and influence peddling against them. " . . .

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