Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Democrat NBC Neurologist Lands a DEATH BLOW on Biden Narrative: 'He Definitely Has It'

  PJ Media  

You know what they say: It's not the crime, it's the coverup. If Biden had just come out and told the American people what he was dealing with, this whole debacle might have been avoided, especially if he could prove that his deficits were merely physical. *

"Did you have this on your 2024 Bingo card? I sure didn't. A Democrat neurologist who treats Parkison's patients went on NBC News — NBC NEWS!! — to talk about Joe Biden's condition — and it was very, very bad for the president. 

"Dr. Tom Pitts works with Parkinson's patients in a clinical setting in Dayton, Ohio. His specialty is listed as Neurology Clinical Interpretation, and although he has never met Biden, he said he could diagnose him with Parkinson's disease "from across the mall" — it's that obvious. 

""Oh, yeah, I see [patients like Biden] 20 times a day in the clinic. I mean, it's ironic because he has just the classic features of neurodegeneration," observed Pitts. I don't know what's ironic about that, but let's continue. 

"He noted one of Biden's symptoms, word-finding difficulties. "That's not, 'Oh, I couldn't find the word.' That's from degeneration of the word-retrieval area." He dismissed the idea that the deficits we've seen in Biden are related to his history of stuttering. "No, this is not a palatal issue or a speech discrepancy," which is very different from actual word retrieval, "where you pick a similar question or talk around the issue."

"He also noted Biden's "rigidity" and "loss of arm swing" when walking. "Lordotically [related to a curving inward of the lower back], you notice when he turns, it's kind of end-block turning," meaning he pivots on one foot. "It's not a quick turn." The video below shows examples of this. "So that's one of the hallmarks of Parkinson's, is rigidity and bradykinesia, slow movement."

"And he has that hallmark, especially with the low voices... a small, monotone voice like this over time, is a hallmark of Parkinsonism," he continued. There are examples of this in the video as well. 

"Asked if Parkinson's is difficult to diagnose, Pitts said, "Slow movement, rigidity, mass faces, hypophonia. I mean, if a med student did not pick Parkinson's on the test they'd be remediated." He added that a member of the U.S. military with Biden's symptoms "would be med-boarded out."  

"Pitts conceded, "We're finding [word] retrieval doesn't necessarily mean you don't know what you want to say. What I cannot comment on is his ability to make good decisions. His motor symptoms are degenerating. He has Parkinsosisms. That is a fact. You know, he has the generation of the brain.". . .

Douglas Murray: Joe Biden's cognitive decline is ‘dangerous’ for America  "Douglas Murray questioned who is running the United States with Joe Biden in cognitive decline as it’s "long past the point" of dangerous for America. "This criticism comes after Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy grilled White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over the President being fit for office. "Peter Doucy asked about Joe Biden "being the sharpest before 8 pm" with Karine Jean-Pierre defending the president saying "he was joking." *"The New York Times reported last week that Joe Biden told Democrat governors he would stop "scheduling events after 8 pm to get more sleep." "Joe Biden has shown signs of cognitive decline throughout his presidency and his poor performance at the CNN debate has Democrats worried." . . .

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